Visit a Rehearsal

We rehearse every Thursday (except Thanksgiving) at the Leesburg United Methodist Church at 107 W. Market St in Leesburg. Our typical rehearsal runs from 7:00 to 9:00 and guests are always welcome. During the Fall, rehearsals are mostly focused on holiday music in anticipation of our annual Holiday Show. In the Spring, we're usually focusing on regular repertoire songs and the two songs that we take to our contest in late Spring.

We sing these songs in the barbershop-style. The barbershop-style means that we sing in 4 parts: Tenor, Lead, Baritone and Bass. Most of the time, the Lead part has the melody (aka the real words) of the song, but the melody is often passed to other parts as well. Sometimes the melody is shared, but more often the three parts that aren't singing the melody are doing fill-in sounds. For the basses, this is often setting the beat - "dom dom dom dom du dom dom dom dom du". The tenors put the sparkling high notes into the song and the baritones fill in whatever notes are missing in the chord.

The perfect storm hits when everyone is precisely on-key and overtones are formed. An overtone is the mixing of 4 sound parts in an idyllic way to create the illusion of 5 voices singing. Believe us, when you hear it, it makes the hair on your neck stand up. This is what's brought people into the hobby since 1938.

Here's some examples of what barbershop music can be like:

Above is Westminster Chorus perfoming their set that earned them the Gold Medal is 2019.

Even Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs and countless voice-over gigs) was a Barbershopper.

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